Please find information below about having a coronavirus test at Falireas Medical Center.

Falireas Medical Center owns a state-of-the-art Real Time – PCR molecular analysis equipment for the detection of the coronavirus SARS-COV-2.

We have also partners in cities and islands of Greece where, PCR COVID testing for locals and travelers is performed using our unique technology.

Covid-19 Detection Test in Kalamata

The equipment is of European origin, has the approval of the European Union, as well as the certification by the Pasteur Institute of France. The validity of the results, combined with the speed of responses (within 2 hours of sampling), make it the most appropriate equipment for the diagnosis of COVID-19. The method of molecular analysis PCR has been evaluated by the World Health Organization as the most reliable method of diagnosing the COVID-19 disease.

Who should get tested? This test is for people who have symptoms such as fever or cough, or have come in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19. The test should also be done by people who will be transferred to group accommodation facilities such as nursing homes or people working at the healthcare sector.

Where and how to get tested? The experienced and specialized staff of Falireas Medical Center is properly trained, specially equipped and follow all protection guidelines for a secure sampling. The test is performed by a molecular biologist, as indicated for the PCR method. The examinee arrives at the laboratory after a scheduled appointment, in order to avoid contacting and overcrowding with other customers. Everyone who comes to the laboratory should wear a mask and take care of hand hygiene via the use of antiseptic or gloves, both for their own protection and that of others in the same area. The sampling process is quick and painless and the patient can get the results within 2 hours.

When is the Real Time PCR method not considered appropriate? PCR molecular examination is not considered appropriate in every case. In particular, the molecular method shows us if someone has the virus at the time of sampling, but can not tell us if someone had been ill in the past. That means that if someone had symptoms such as cough and fever a month ago and was infected with a coronavirus, it is likely that the molecular test will be negative. In this case it is necessary to test for antibodies.

Detection of SARS-COV-2 antibodies (IgG & IgM) in Kalamata: With these serological tests we check for antibodies to the coronavirus SARS-COV-2 by sampling the examinee’s blood. The main antibodies of the human body against viruses are IgG, IgM and IgA. IgM antibodies are produced in the first 5-7 days of exposure to the virus and can be used to detect any active COVID-19 infection, while IgG antibodies appear in the blood 2-3 weeks later and indicate if someone had been infected with the virus in the past and has obtained immunity. According to the World Health Organization, serological tests are considered supplementary and not the main tests for the diagnosis of the Covid-19. Moreover, they could be chosen in cases where the performed PCR test was negative, although the examinee had strong symptoms of COVID-19 disease, or when the performed PCR test is positive but we need to know at which stage of the infection the patient is.


We perform covid testing 6 days a week

No appointment required except Sundays

RT-PCR, result in 3 hours

Rapid Antigen, result in half an hour

Delivery of result in English, by Email or printed, with your passport/ID number on it.