See the information below about the departments of our laboratories, the tests that are performed in them, as well as their equipment.
Microbiology confirms infections through microbiological examination or cultivation of biological fluids from the source of infection, such as urine, feces, sputum, semen, pleural fluid, ascetic pericardial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, pharyngeal fluid, drainage fluid.
With the use of:
Hematology Analyzer: Coulter HmX Hematology Analyzer (Beckman Coulter)
Coulter HmX is a very reliable analyzer that has designed to provide a complete hematological profile. Has 3D VCS technology, providing exceptional sensitivity, specificity and efficiency.
Hematology Analyzer: Coulter AcT 5 Hematology Analyzer (Beckman Coulter)
Coulter AcT 5 provides extensive data management capabilities for optimal file retention performance.
Coagulation Control Analyzer : CA-1500 System (Sysmex)
The CA-1500 quickly analyzes large quantities of samples with a high level of accuracy. The compact, fully automated system performs coagulation tests, chromogen tests and immunological tests
Cytological examination of cervical smears (PAP-TEST), cytological examination of various cytological fluids (urine, sputum, etc.), punctures and cytological examination of solid organs (thyroid, breast, salivary glands, etc.)
With the use of:
E-PREP Liquid Based Cytology Processor (PathTech)
E-PREP is a semi-automatic cytological processor with improved accuracy compared to the classic PAP test. Makes it easy to observe under the microscope as it does not contain fragments, mucus, etc.
The LOGIQ ™ V2 ultrasound system (GE Healthcare)
General Electric’s latest technology ultrasound, Logic P9 model of 2016, has by far the most technologically advanced imaging head, with real-time blood flow imaging, but also the ability to process the images after the test.
Hematology supports the diagnosis and investigation of anemias, malignant blood disorders (Leukemias, Lymphomas), blood clotting disorders, but also helps in the diagnosis of bacterial and viral infections.
Using the following analyzers: :
Hematology Analyzer: Coulter HmX Hematology Analyzer (Beckman Coulter)
Coulter HmX is a very reliable analyzer designed to provide a complete hematology profile. Provides 3D VCS technology, providing exceptional sensitivity, specificity and efficiency.
Hematology Analyzer: Coulter AcT 5 Hematology Analyzer (Beckman Coulter)
Coulter AcT 5 provides extensive capabilities data management for optimal file keeping performance.
Coagulation Analyzer: CA-1500 System (Sysmex)
The CA-1500 quickly analyzes large quantities of samples with a high degree of accuracy. The compact, fully automated system performs coagulation tests, chromogen tests and immunoassay tests.
It performs the following tests: Hematology checkup- General Blood test – Microscopic check of peripheral blood smear – Check of hemoglobinopathies (Mediterranean anemia, sickle cell syndromes, etc.) – Hemoglobin electrophoresis – Haemostasis check (testing of coagulation disorders) – Prothrombin time, INR – Partial thromboplastin time – Fibrinogen – Thrombophilia factors (antithrombin III, protein C, protein S, APC-R, etc.) D-Dimers – Flow time – Coagulation time
Biochemistry is responsible for identifying the substances that make up the human body. Deviations from the normal rates of these substances may be related to a disease. Results are evaluated in combination with the other examinations by the doctor, in order to make the best care plan for the patient. Furthermore, the levels of drugs determined, which will help the doctor in determining the dosing regimen.
Using the following analyzers:
Biochemical analyzer: Dimension RxL Max- Integrated Chemistry System (Siemens)
Dimension RxL Max is an analyzer trusted by major hospitals and diagnostic centers across Europe. It has the ability to run 91 clinical chemistry and immunohistochemistry tests simultaneously.
It performs the following tests: Biochemical Test – Liver test- Kidney test – Cardiac test (cardiac enzymes and Troponin) – Sugar Metabolism – Lipid Profile – Function Determination – Drug Levels – Laboratory Approach to Osteoporosis
We perform analyses of all hormones aiming at detecting various endocrine syndromes, deficiencies or hypersecretions, as well as menorrhea and fertility problems.
We also check cancer markers, which are evaluated in combination with the other examinations by the doctor, in order to make the best care plan for the patient. In particular, the cancer markers (prostate, intestine, liver, endometrium, ovaries, etc.) help the doctor to assess the course of the disease and to draw up the treatment plan.
Furthermore, examinations related to neoplasms such as Ca50,NSE, SCC, MCA, TG, B2-Microglobulin, CYFRA 21, Ca72-4, TPA, PSA, FREE PSA, AFP, Ca 125, Ca 15-3, Ca 19,9 are performed.
Using the following analyzer:
Hormone analyzer: Cobas c 411 Analyzer (Roche-Hitachi)
Cobas c411 is an automated immunohistochemistry analyzer and can perform up to 18 tests simultaneously, with a maximum capacity of 86 tests per hour.
It performs the following tests: Hormonal Testing – Hormonal Testing Hypothalamic – Pituitary – Gonadal Axis: Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicular Hormone (FSH), 17-β-Estradiol (E2), Progesterone, PRG (PRG) Total Testosterone (TESTO) – Hormone Control Tests: Hypothalamus – Pituitary – Thyroid: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3), Free Thyroxine (FT4), Free T (FT4) Anti-TG Antibodies, Anti-TSH-R Antibodies (TSI), Thyroglobulin (TG) – Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Hormone Tests: Serum Cortisol, 24-Hour Cortisol, Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate – 17-O , ACTH • Hormone Testing for Pregnancy: Serum – Urine Pregnancy Test, Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Total Estriol (E3), Free Estriol (uE3), α – Fetoprotein (AFP), Progesterone (PG), Free Group (Fb – hCG), Pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) • Male – female fertility test: FSH, LH, PRL, E2, DHEAS, Testo, F – Testo, PRG, 17-OH-PRG, SHBG, Serum cortisol, 24-hour urinary cortisol, ACTH, Calcitonin • Osteoporosis check – Prostate check: PSA-FPSA
Immunology is the branch of biopathology that contributes to the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases (such as lupus), sexually transmitted diseases (hepatitis, HIV etc), but also the detection of virus antigens and antibodies (IgG, IgM) against viruses (such as EBV, CMV, Toxo etc).
We use the following analyzers:
Immunological analyzer: VIDAS & Mini- VIDAS Clinical Diagnostics (BioMérieux)
Α Simple, flexible and reliable immunochemistry analyst, pioneer for two decades. Its success is based on the quality of its reagents and its invaluable reliability, using ELFA (Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay) technology.
Immunological analyzer: Access II Leriva (Beckman Coulter)
Access II Leriva is a powerful and reliable immunology analyzer with space-saving design, user-friendly features and an powerful menu with the ability to process more than 50 samples.
The following exams are carried out: Immune Test – Allergy Tests – Search for Allergens (Rast Tests) – Investigation of autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.) – Test for sexually transmitted diseases, viruses and antibodies against viruses – Check for viral infections (such as EBV, CMV, Toxo etc).
Mesotherapy is a technique of injecting various substances into the part of the skin called the dermis, the middle layer (hence the name meso-therapy).
Mesotherapy is performed with painless micro-injections into the skin, with the use of very thin needles (with a diameter of about 0.3 mm). These injections should be done neither too deep into the skin, nor too superficially.
Specialized injectables are administered intradermally and topically, meaning as close as possible to the affected area or the sensitized area or the projection area.
It is a non-invasive solution to a variety of aesthetic problems in:
• Face, Periphthalmic area, Neck & Cleavage : Ideal for the optimal treatment of these problems, along with the application of other treatments performed in the Department of Biomedical applications, such as carboxy therapy and advanced Plasma BT treatments (non-injectable mesotherapy and non-invasive face-lift) that contribute to both the treatment of skin relaxation and anti-aging.
• Simple Facial Mesotherapy
• Facial mesotherapy with enhanced solutions
• Autologous facial mesotherapy – PRP
• Body: Therapy of white stretch marks, therapy of after-surgery and hypertrophic scars.
• Hair: The problem of hair loss can be treated with some therapies, helping either to reduce hair loss or to a comprehensive treatment. This therapy is innovative and safe and assists in the natural regeneration of hair and the restoration of density.
Carboxytherapy refers to the dermal and subcutaneous administration of carbon dioxide (CO2) for therapeutic purposes. This treatment has been applied for the restoration of cellulite, stretch marks, hypertrophic scars, dark circles and alopecia, with impressive results.
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